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Research results

Your research : FLEX 300

Some colour for Flex range at... Recently we mentioned our Flex range, its variants, the different fabrics...
So what exactly is flex or iron-on... Pour l’impression sur textile, rien de mieux que d’utiliser...
UFLEX7PV2 Impression numérique solvant
The many different uses of iron-on... Which are the different types of iron-on film? Take a look at the iron-on...
Choosing the right self-adhesive... Which self-adhesive film should I choose to wrap a boat? Why should I wrap...
MATMAK, the new solution for... Introducing MATMAK: the new solution for your precuts HEXIS is pleased to...
Bodywork protection films: the... Current trends in vehicle body protection films When it comes to...
HEXIS Online Customer Space... Whether you are in Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Spain or...
DTF-C-PEEL – Textile marking... DTF (Direct To Film) is a new reverse printing technique in the style of a...
What has been happening at HEXIS... Year after year, the teams at HEXIS work hard to offer you new adhesive...